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Individuals with dental coverage visit the dentist more often and receive the care they need when compared to individuals without coverage. The NADP 2023 Consumer Survey reported 75% of persons with dental benefits have seen a dentist in the past year compared to only 47% of those without dental benefits.



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A message from NADP Executive Director

Why Are Dental Benefits Important


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As the nation takes steps to address COVID-19, NADP remains committed to supporting and informing dental carriers, dentists, consumers and various stakeholders, including federal and state policymakers.

NADP members are open and operating. We remain committed to assisting providers in the delivery of essential services and ensuring continuity of care in a safe manner for all dental consumers.

Americans need regular oral health care to maintain and improve their oral and overall health, and dental coverage is an important gateway to oral health care.

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Carriers are able to respond to inquiries, process and pay claims in addition to assisting members and dentists with questions. For dentists, carriers are also distributing information (e.g. FAQs) via online dentist portals and other electronic communication channels.  

Telehealth is one modality of care that can support access to care for dental consumers. Dental carriers typically pay for covered services that are provided on a telehealth basis, which will be important to many people in the current environment. [read more]